The Maine Jump$tart Coalition has compiled the following resources. Inclusion in this listing does not constitute an endorsement by the Coalition.
Best Practices
Jump$tart developed its “Best Practices” for teachers, authors, publishers, educational consultants, and other to use when developing and/or selecting personal finance educational materials. The second edition, created in 2008, is available online and Jump$tart grants permission to use them freely.
Reality Check
When it comes to understanding what it’s really going to take to live independently as an adult consumer, most young people need a “reality check.” Jump$tart developed this online resource as a quick and easy tool to use alone or to complement a wide variety of existing personal finance curricula.
Financial Literacy Facts
An important role for Jump$tart, as a coalition, is to connect its partners, state coalitions, and anyone else interested in advancing financial literacy, with relevant reports and information that might aid them in their efforts.
Next Gen Personal Finance
Next Gen Personal Finance offers a free online curriculum of 65+ complete lessons and 100+ standalone activities you can access from anywhere. NGPF has also developed a semester course for students, including 90, 45-minute lessons filled with hands-on activities to engage students.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has created a number consumer and youth financial education resources to support teachers, administrators, and community leaders who help students build financial knowledge, skills, and habits.
Additional Resources:
360 Degrees of Financial Literacy
Building Your Future – Free Financial Literacy Curriculum
Consumer Credit Counseling in Maine
Council for Economic Education
Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection
Maine Jump$tart Coalition