Bangor Savings Bank provides a free online financial literacy tool called Money Mentor. Access to relevant articles, fun polls, quizzes to test your knowledge, and user-friendly financial calculators are available.
CA$H Maine (Creating Assets, Savings and Hope), supported by United Way, is a partnership of community leaders and industry experts working together to help individuals and families achieve long-term financial stability. Through community and workplace outreach, these partnerships encourage individuals and families in Maine to find ways to make the most of their money. Check out their website for online resources or information on free money management courses. Or, stop by one of their ten locations throughout the state for free in-person financial advice from trained volunteers.
The CARE Committee is a volunteer organization comprised of bankruptcy lawyers, judges, and court staff who offer classroom and/or town hall style presentations geared towards middle school through college-aged students on the responsible use of credit and the pitfalls of falling into debt. They offer a component on student loans and have volunteers who are willing to travel statewide to help educate Maine students on financial literacy. Their services are free of charge.
Junior Achievement of Maine, Inc. is a local non-profit organization dedicated to educating students in grades K-12 about entrepreneurship, work readiness, and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs. In partnership with businesses and educators, JA brings the real world to Maine students, opening their minds to their potential and preparing them for the world of work.
Maine Adult Education Association oversees member Adult Education programs throughout Maine and may be contacted for information about programs specific to an area.
The Maine Credit Union League coordinates Financial Fitness Fairs for high school students statewide. Available both in-person and online, the FFFs are a unique simulation that offers students insight into what it's like to balance a monthly budget. Additionally, the FFFs are being offered to New Mainers and soon-to-be-released inmates. The Maine Credit Union League also provides curriculum resources for teachers, with credit union staff and volunteers available to teach financial education in the classroom throughout the year.
Representing Maine Credit Unions, Jake Holmes provides education programs to enhance the lives and well-being of Mainers. Additionally, Jake coordinates the Financial Fitness Fairs across the state, writes blogs, created videos, and discusses financial literacy topics, with hopes of creating pathways to fiscal success.
New Ventures Maine offers free classes in personal money management, career planning, and small business planning. Individual appointments are also available. Open to men and women of all ages and backgrounds.
An affiliate of Mrs. Michelle Obama's Reach Higher Initiative, Reach Higher Maine aims to support school counseling and college access. Visit their site for professional development opportunities and resources to better assist students planning to attend college.
Maine Jump$tart Coalition